Earlier Selected Publications and Conference Papers
Chen, Y., Eskandarian, A., Oskard, M.S., and Lee, J.D. (2004) “Meshless Analysis of Plasticity with Application to Crack Growth Problems”, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 41/1-3, pp. 83-94.
Delaigue, P. and Eskandarian, A. (2004) "A comprehensive vehicle braking model for predictions of stopping distances," Journal of Automobile Engineering, 218(12), 1409-17.
Blum, J., Eskandarian, A., and Hoffman, L. (2004) “Challenges of Inter-Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 5(4), pp. 347-351.
Blum, J., and Eskandarian, A. (2004) "The Threat of “Intelligent” Collisions", IEEE IT Professional, 6(1), pp. 24-29.
Eskandarian, A., Bahouth, G., Digges, K., Godrick, D., Bronstad, M. (2004) "Improving the Compatibility of Vehicles and Roadside Safety Hardware" Transportation Research Record (NCHRP Document 61), February 2004.
Vahidi, A., and Eskandarian, A. (2003) “Research Advances in Intelligent Collision Avoidance and Adaptive Cruise Control”, IEEE Transactions on ITS, 4(3), 2003, pp. 143-153.
Chen, Y., Lee, J.D. and Eskandarian, A. (2003) “Atomistic Viewpoint of the Applicability of Microcontinuum Theories”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, accepted for publication.
Lee, J.D., Chen, Y. and Eskandarian, A. (2003) “A Micromorphic Electromagnetic Theory”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, accepted for publication.
Chen, Y., Lee, J.D. and Eskandarian, A. (2003) “Micropolar theory and its applications to mesoscopic and microscopic problems”, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, in press.
Chen, Y., Eskandarian, A., Oscard, M.S. and Lee, J.D. (2003) “Meshless analysis of plasticity with application to crack growth problems”, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, in press.
Chen, Y., Lee, J.D., and Eskandarian, A. (2003) “Examining the physical foundation of continuum theories from viewpoint of phonon dispersion relations”, International Journal of Engineering Science, 41, pp61-83.
Chen, Y., Lee, J.D., and Eskandarian, A. (2003) “Atomistic counterpart of Micromorphic theory”, Acta Mechanica, 161, 81-102.
Blum, J., Eskandarian, A., and Hoffman, L. (2003) "Assessment of Vulnerabilities in In-Vehicle Intelligent Transportation Systems", to appear in the International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems.
Kurtran, H., Eskandarian, A., Marzougui, D, and Bedewi, N.E. (2003) “Crashworthiness Design Optimization Using Successive Response Surface Approximations”, Computational Mechanics (Springer).
Kurtaran, H., Büyük, M., and Eskandarian, A. (2003) “Ballistic Impact Simulation of GT Model Vehicle Door Using Finite Element Method”, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 40(2), pp. 113-121.
Kurtaran H., Büyük M., and Eskandarian, A. (2003) “Design Automation of a Laminated Armor for Best Impact Performance Using Approximate Optimization Method”, Int. Journal of Impact Engineering special issue, Volume 29, 1-10.
Wentworth, J. (2003) “The Intelligent Transportation System and the Ethics of Intelligent Computers,” Computers and Society Magazine, 32 (6) (June 2003)
Chen, Y., Eskandarian, A., Kan, C.D., and Lee, J.D. (2002) “Thermo-plastic effects on structural behavior during crush and impact,” International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol. 30, Nos. 1/2, pp. 22-32.
Chen, Y., Lee, J.D., and Eskandarian, A. (2002) “Dynamic meshless method applied to nonlocal cracked problems”, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 38, 293-300.
Noureddine, A., Eskandarian, A., and Digges, K. (2002) “Computer Modeling and Validation of a Hybrid III Dummy for Crashworthiness Simulation,” Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 35, pp. 885-893.
Blum, J. and Eskandarian, A. (2002) "Enhancing Intelligent Agent Collaboration for Flow Optimization of Railroad Traffic", Transportation Research Part A, 36(10), pp. 919-930.
Blum, J. and Eskandarian, A. (2002) "Software Architecture for Adaptive Collision Avoidance Systems", International Journal of Automotive Technology, June 2002, 3 (2), pp. 79-88.
Vahidi, A., and Eskandarian, A. (2002) “The Influence of Preview Uncertainties in Preview Control of Vehicle Suspensions”, Journal of Multibody Dynamics, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K, Manuscript k01202, accepted.
Chen, Y., Lee, J.D., and Eskandarian, A. (2001) “Meshless Particle Methods for Nonlocal Continua”, in Advances in Computational Engineering & Sciences (edited by Atluri, Nishioka and Kikuchi), Tech Science Press.
Chen, Y., Lee, J.D., and Eskandarian, A. (2001) “On Micropolar Field Theory and Its Applications”, in Advances in Computational Engineering & Sciences (edited by Atluri, Nishioka and Kikuchi), Tech Science Press.
Ennis, J., Marzougui, D., Eskandarian, A., and Bedewi, N. (2001) “Finite Element Modeling of Anthropomorphic Test Devices for Vehicle Crashworthiness Evaluation,” International Journal of Crashworthiness Research, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 511-524.
Kurtaran, H. and Eskandarian, A. (2001) "Design optimization of multi-body systems under impact loading by response surface methodology", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K (Journal of Mult-Body Dynamics), vol.215, no.K4, 2001, pp.173-85. Publisher: Mech. Eng. Publications, UK.
Sayed, R. and Eskandarian, A. (2001) "Unobtrusive Drowsiness Detection by Neural Network Learning of Driver Steering", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, vol. 215, no. D9, pp.969-75. Publisher: Professional Engineering Publishing, UK.
Vahidi, A. and Eskandarian, A. (2001) "Predictive Time-delay Control of Vehicle Suspensions", Journal of Vibration & Control, vol.7, no.8, Nov. 2001, pp.1195-211. Publisher: Sage Science Press, USA.
Marzougui, D., Bahouth, G., Eskandarian, A., Meczkowski, L., and Taylor, H. (2000) "Evaluation of Portable Concrete Barriers Using Finite Element Simulation", Journal of Transportation Research, Transportation Research Record No. 1720, Paper No. 00-0501, National Academy Press 2000, pp. 1-6.
Omar, T., Eskandarian, and Bedewi, N. (2000) “Artificial Neural Networks for Modeling Dynamics of Impacting Bodies and Vehicles”, I. Mech. E. Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, Part K, Vol. 214 No. K3. pp. 133-142.
Vahidi, A. and Eskandarian, A. (2000) "Predictive Control of Vehicle Suspensions with Time-Delay for a Quarter Car Model" Proceedings of Muti-Body Dynamics: Monitoring and Simulation Techniques-II, June 2000, Bradford, UK, pp. 97-105.
Marzougui, D., Eskandarian, A., and Bedewi, N. (1999) “Analysis and Evaluation of a Redesigned 3”x3” Slipbase Sign Support System Using Finite Element Simulations”, International Journal of Crashworthiness Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 7-16.
Eskandarian, A., and Thiriez, S. (1998) “Collision Avoidance Using Cerebral Model Arithmetic Computer Neural Network”, Journal of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (Previously, Microcomputers in Civil Engineering), Vol. 13, pp. 303-314.
Omar, T., Eskandarian, A., and Bedewi, N. (1998) “Vehicle Crash Modeling Using Recurrent Neural Networks”, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, Pergamon, Vol. 28, No. 9, pp. 31-42.
Noureddine, A., Digges, K., Eskandarian, A., and Bedewi, N. (1998) “Analysis of Airbag Depowering and Related Parameters in Out of Position Environment”, International Journal of Crashworthiness Research, Vol. 3. No. 4, pp. 237-248.
Eskandarian, A., Marzougui, D. and Bedewi, N. (1997) “Finite Element Model and Validation of a Surrogate Crash Test Vehicle for Impacts With Roadside Objects”, International Journal of Crashworthiness Research, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 239-257.
Eskandarian, A., and Bedewi, N. (1997) “Experimental Identification Of Friction Parameters Of An Industrial Robot Manipulator Using An Energy Method”, ASEE Journal of Engineering Technology, Vol. 14, No. 1, Spring 1997, pp. 40-45.
Zhou, B., Blum, J., and Eskandarian, A. (2005) “Virtual Reality Visualization of Microscopic Traffic Simulations”, Washington, DC: 84th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, CD-ROM.
Chen, Y., Eskandarian, A., Oskard, M.S. and Lee, J.D. (2004) “Meshless Analysis of Crack Propagation in Multiphase Micromorphic Solids”, World Congress of Computational Mechanics VII, Beijing, China, September 5-10, Tsinghua University Press & Springer-Verlag.
Delaigue, P. (2004) "Safety of Excessive Pavement Wedge Due to Overlays", Transportation Research Board 84th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Yonten, K., Manzari, M., Marzougui, D., and Eskandarian, A. (2004) “An Assessment of Constitutive Models of Concrete in the Crashworthiness Simulation of Roadside Safety Structures”, International Crashworthiness Conference, IJ Crash 2004, San Francisco. CA, July.
Soltani, H. and Eskandarian, A. (2004) “Dynamics Modelling and Simulation of Real Vehicle Rollover Cases”, Leicestershire, UK: 3rd International Symposium on Multi-body Dynamics: Monitoring & Simulation Techniques.
Chen, Y., Lee, J.D., and Eskandarian, A. (2004) “Field Representation of Atomic N-body Problem”, World Congress of Computational Mechanics VII, Beijing, China, September 5-10, Tsinghua University Press & Springer-Verlag.
Schober, M., Wehlan, H.,Eskandarian, A., and Kühne, R. (2004) “Comparing Driving Behavior for Manual, Conventional and Automated Cruise Control Driving in Car-Following by Scenarios Based on an Advanced Driver Performance Map”, Miami, FL: Intelligent Transportation Systems Safety and Security, CD-ROM.
Laoufi, M., Blum, J., and Eskandarian, A. (2004) “Predicting Intersection Queues with a Dynamic Balance Model”, San Antonio, TX: Intelligent Transportation Society of America 2004 Annual Meeting, CD-ROM.
Blum, J., and Eskandarian, A. (2004) “The Impact of Multi-modal Transportation on the Evacuation Efficiency of Building Complexes”, Washington, DC: IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference.
Blum, J., and Eskandarian, A. (2004) “Multi-planar Cellular Automata for Evacuation Planning and Management”, Nagoya, Japan: Intelligent Transportation Systems World Congress, CD-ROM.
Blum, J., and Eskandarian, A. (2004) “Secure Media Access Coordination for Inter-Vehicle Communication”, Miami, FL: Intelligent Transportation Systems Safety and Security, CD-ROM.
Schober, M., Wehlan, H.,Eskandarian, A., Wagner, P., and Kühne, R. (2004) “Calibration and Validation of Microscopic Car-Following Models on the Basis of the Intelligent Cruise Control Field Operational Test Data”, Miami, FL: Intelligent Transportation Systems Safety and Security, CD-ROM.
Delaigue, P. (2004) "Safety of Excessive Pavement Wedge Due to Overlays, Preliminary Research", Managing Pavement Edge Drop-offs Workshop, Atlanta, February 11th 2004.
Chen, Y., Lee, J.D. and Eskandarian, A. (2003) “Atomistic Formulation of A Multiscale Theory for Nano/Micro Physics”, IMECE’03 2003 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Washington, D.C., November 16-21.
Lee, J.D., Chen, Y. and Eskandarian, A. (2003) “Wave Propagation in Micromorphic Ferroelectric Solids”, Proceedings of IMECE’03 2003 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Washington, D.C., November 16-21.
Chen, Y., Lee, J.D. and Eskandarian, A. (2003) “Multiscale Modeling of Polycrystalline Silicon”, Proceedings of IMECE’03 2003 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Washington, D.C., November 16-21.
Eskandarian, A., Chen, Y., Oskard, M. and Lee, J.D. (2003) “Meshless Analyses of Fracture, Plasticity and Impact”, Proceedings of IMECE’03 2003 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Washington, D.C., November 16-21.
Blum, J., Eskandarian, A., and Hoffman, L. (2003) "Performance Characteristics of Inter-Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks", The IEEE 6th International Conference On Intelligent Transportation Systems, Shanghai, China, pp. 114-119.
Bousquet, M., Marzougui, D., Eskandarian, A., and Bedewi, N., “Influence of the Height of W-beam guardrails on their crash safety performance in impacts with pickup trucks”, Proceedings of International Crashworthiness and Design Symposium, ICD 2003, Lille, France, Dec. 2-4.
Blum, J., Eskandarian, A., and Hoffman, L. (2003) "Mobility Management for IVC Networks", Columbus, OH: IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pp. 150-155.
Blum, J., Eskandarian, A., and Hoffman, L. (2003) "An Improved Communications Architecture for ITS Networks", Minneapolis, MN: Intelligent Transportation Society of America 2003.
Kurtaran, H.; Buyuk, M.; Eskandarian, A., “Design Automation of a Laminated Armor for Ballistic Impact Using Approximate Optimization Method”, Hypervelocity Impact Symposium HVIS 2003 Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 8-11 December 2003.
Chen, Y., Lee, J.D. and Eskandarian, A. (2002) “Applicability analysis of continuum theories from viewpoint of phonon dispersion relations”, US 14th Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, June 22-27, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA.
Chen, Y., Lee, J.D. and Eskandarian, A. (2002) “Connecting Discrete Atomic Model to Microcontinuum Field Theories”, 39th Annual Conference of the Society of Engineering Science, October 13-16, Pennsylvania.
Chen, Y., Lee, J.D. and Eskandarian, A. (2002) “Local and Nonlocal Meshless Method of Fracture Mechanics”, Proceedings of International Conference of Computational Engineering and Science, July 29 –Aug. 2, Reno, Nevada.
Chen, Y., Lee, J.D. and Eskandarian, A. (2002) “Finding Material Constants in Micromorphic Theory through Phonon Dispersion Relations”, Proceedings of International Conference of Computational Engineering and Science, July 29 –Aug. 2, Reno, Nevada.
Yonten, K., Manzari, M., and Eskandarian, A., and Marzougui, D. (2002) “An evaluation of Constitutive Models of Concrete in LS-DYNA Finite Element Code,” Proceedings of 15th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference, Columbia Univ., New York, N.Y., June 2-5, CD ROM, pp. 1-8.
C.D. Kan, Eskandarian, A., and Mader, J. (2002) “Evaluation and Benchmark of High Performance Computer Platforms for Automotive Crashworthiness Simulation,” accepted for presentation and publication in High Performance Computing Conference, September 22-27, Italy.
Omar, T.A., Bedewi, N., and Eskandarian, A. (2002) “Significant Severity Reduction of Side-Impact Injuries by using ITS-airbag FE Simulation and Severity Analysis,” accepted for presentation and publication in the Proc. of the ASME Winter Annual Meeting, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Transportation Safety Session, New Orleans, LA, November 17-22, 2002.
Blum, J. and Eskandarian, A. (2002) "Adaptability Requirements for Effective Collision Avoidance Systems", Long Beach, CA: Intelligent Transportation Society of America 2002.
Blum, J. and Eskandarian, A. (2002) "Domain-specific Genetic Agents for Flow Optimization of Freight Railroad Traffic", Lemnos, Greece: Comprail 2002. Computers in Railways VIII. J. Allan, R.J. Hill, C.A. Brebbia, G. Sciutto, and S. Sone (eds.). pp. 787-796.
Chen, Y., Lee, J.D., and Eskandarian, A. (2001) “Meshless Particle Methods for Nonlocal Continua,” published in Advances in Computational Engineering & Sciences (edited by Atluri, Nishioka and Kikuchi), Tech Science Press, presented at Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science, 19-25 August 2001, Puerto Vallerta, Mexico, on CD-ROM.
Vahidi, A., and Eskandarian, A. (2001) “A study on the Effect of Preview Uncertainties in Preview Control of Vehicle Suspensions,” Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Nov. 11-16, IMECE2001/DE-23240, New York, N.Y, pp 1-6.
Kurtaran, H., Omar, T., and Eskandarian, A. (2001) “Crashworthiness Design Optimization of Energy-Absorbing Rails for the Automotive Industry,” Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2001/AMD-25452, New York, NY, November 11-16, pp. 1-12
Monclus, J.G., Eskandarian, A., Takatori, O., and Morimoto, J. (2001) “Development of Detailed Finite Element Models of Child Restraint Systems For Occupant Protection,” ESV International Technical Conference, Paper Number 01-S9-O-126, Amsterdam, Netherlands, printed from CD.
Sayed, R., Eskandarian, A., and Oskard, M. (2001) "Monitoring Drowsy Drivers with Artificial Neural Network", Miami Beach, FL: Intelligent Transportation Society of America 2001.
Sayed, R., Eskandarian, A., and Oskard, M. (2001) "Driver Drowsiness Detection Using Artificial Neural Networks", Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board.
Chen, Y., Lee, J.D., Eskandarian, A., and Bedewi, N. (2000) “Adibatic Shear Localization in Impact problems”, International Conference of Crashworthiness, London, September 2000.
Omar, T.A., Eskandarian, A., and Bedewi, N. (2000) “Modeling Vehicles' Offset and Oblique Impacts Using Recurrent Artificial Neural Networks,” Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, AMD-Vol. 246/BED-Vol. 49, Crashworthiness, Occupant Protection, and Biomechanics in Transportation Systems, Orlando, FL, November 5-10, pp. 49-65.
Ennis, J., Marzougui, D., Eskandarian, A., and Bedewi, N. (2000) “Finite Element Modeling of Anthropomorphic Test Devices for Vehicle Crashworthiness Evaluation,” International Crash Worthiness Conference, IJCrash2000, London, UK, September 2000, pp. 306-318.
Eskandarian, A., Bahouth, G., Marzougui, D., Kan, C.D. (2000) “Challenges of Finite Element Simulations of Vehicle Crashes,” Keynote Paper, 2nd Triennial International Symposium on Multi-Body Dynamics: Monitoring & Simulation Techniques, U. of Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK, June 27-28, pp. 27-41.
Vahidi, A. and Eskandarian, A. (2000) “Predictive Control of Vehicle Suspensions with Time Delay for a Quarter-Car Model,” proceedings of 2nd Triennial International Symposium on Multi-Body Dynamics: Monitoring & Simulation Techniques, U. of Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK, June 27-28, pp.97-105.
Marzougui, D., Kan, C.D., Eskandarian, A. (2000) “Safety Performance Evaluation of Roadside Hardware Using Finite Element Simulation,” ASCE Fourteenth Engineering Mechanics Conference, Austin, Texas, June 2000. printed on CD.
Omar, T.A., Kan, C.D., Bedewi, N., and Eskandarian, A. (1999) “Major Parameters Affecting Nonlinear Finite Element Simulations of Vehicle Crashes,” Proceedings of the ASME Winter Annual Meeting, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, AMD, Vol 237/BED-Vol. 45, Crashworthiness, Occupant Protection, and Biomechanics in Transportation Systems, Nashville, TN, November 14-19, pp. 1-18.
Marzougui, D., Kan, C.D., and Eskandarian, A. (1999) “Finite Element Simulation and Analysis of Portable Concrete Barriers Using LS-DYNA,” Proceedings of LS-DYNA Users Conference, Gothenburg Sweden, June 14-15, pp. I-19-I-25.
Omar, T., Eskandarian, A., and Bedewi, N. (1998) “Crash Analysis of Two Vehicles in Frontal Impact Using Artificial Neural Networks,” Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Anaheim, CA, AMD-Vol. 230, BED-Vol. 41, Crashworthiness, Occupant Protection, and Biomechanics in Transportation Systems, Nov. 1998, pp. 115-129.
Digges, K.H., Noureddine, A., Eskandarian, A., and Bedewi, N. (1998) “Effect of Occupant Position and Airbag Inflation Parameters on Driver Injury Measures,” Proceedings of Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) International Conference and Exposition, No. 980637, Airbag Technology (SP-1333), Detroit, MI, Feb. 23-26, print from PDF, pp. 1-6.
Omar, T., Bedewi, N., and Eskandarian, E. (1997) “Recurrent Artificial Networks for Crashworthiness Analysis,” Proceedings of ASME Winter Annual Meeting, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, AMD-Vol. 225, BED-Vol. 38, Crashworthiness, Occupant Protection, and Biomechanics in Transportation Systems, Dulles Texas, Nov. 1997, pp 109-118.
Bedewi, N., Miller, L., Eskandarian, A., Kan, C.D., Meczkowski, L. (1996) “Role of High Performance Computing in Crashworthiness and Highway Safety Research-Present and Future,” Keynote Paper, Presented and published in proceeding of International Conference on High Performance Computing In Automotive Design, Engineering, and Manufacturing, Paris, France, Oct. 1996, pp. 5-15.
Eskandarian, A., Marzougui, D. and Bedewi, N. (1996) “Failure Analysis of Highway Small Sign Support Systems in Crashes Using Impact Finite Element Models,” Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium On Automotive Technology and Automation (ISATA), Road and Vehicle Safety, June 3-6, Florence Italy, pp. 395-402.
Eskandarian, A., Thiriez, S., and Ziegler, T. (1996) “Application of CMAC Neural Network for Collision Avoidance,” proceedings of FHWA Conference: Neural Network Applications in Highway and Vehicle Engineering, April 10-11, Ashburn, Virginia, pp. 231-242.
Bedewi, N., and Eskandarian, A. (1995) “Parameter Identification of An Industrial Robot Manipulator for A Dynamic Simulation Model,” Proceedings of the Second International IEMS Conference, Coco Beach, Fl., Mar. 13-15, pp. 518-524.
Bedewi, N., Omar, T., and Eskandarian, A. (1994) “Effect of Mesh Density Variation in Vehicle Crashworthiness Finite Element Modeling,” Proceedings of the ASME Winter Annual Meeting, DSC-Vol. 54/DE-Vol. 76, Transportation Systems, Chicago, IL., Nov. 6-11, pp. 353-373